Capt. Double – Wartime Tragedy

Fleetwood Family’s War Service
Captain and Mrs Double, of London Street Fleetwood, received word that their son Pte P Double L.N.L Regiment (Loyal North Lancashire)., lost his life through the sinking of the M.V. Leinster. Pte Double was 18 1/2 years of age, and joined the colours a few months ago, prior ri which he was employed as a clerk with Mr Fred Kelsall, trawler owner, Fleetwood. His father and five other brothers all volunteered for service.

The father, Capt. H. H. Double R.N.V.R., who is 60 years of age and has been on active service 3 1/2 years The eldest son Serg, C Double M,M, is 27 1/2 years of age and has been with the colours 3 1/2 years Petty Officer W Double, with a similar period of service, is 26 years of age Seaman Harry Double, 24 1/2 years of age, died at Falmouth six months ago. Pte. Ren Double, Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regt. is 23 years of age, and has been in France two years. Mr Joe Double 20 1/2 years is in the Merchant Service. Pte. P Double was drowned on the Leinster, and the two youngest sons are in the Church Cadets and Boy Scouts respectively.

The MV Leinster was a civilian vessel, a Mail ship and normally moved with an escort. But, just maybe and only speculation on my part, because the English Government were at that moment in talks with the Germans about ending the hostilities it looks as though the ship left port without escort. It was hit by three torpedoes from a German U Boat not long after leaving Dun Loaghaire. Of 700 people on board 500 died.