Additional information courtesy of Bill Blow and David Slinger
Official Number 132091
Yard Number 474
Completed: 1910
Gross Tonnage 286
Net Tonnage 112
Length 125 ft
Breadth 23.5 ft
Depth 12.3 ft
Engine 550ihp T.3-cyland boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
7.9.1910: Launched by Cochrane & Sons, Selby (Yd.No.474) for Crown Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby as ALBERIA.
7.11.1910: Registered at Grimsby (GY588).
7.11.1910: Completed.
7.11.1910: George Edward James Moody designated manager.
20.12.1910: Vessel mortgage (64/64) to London City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (A).
1913: Fishing from Fleetwood.
12.1914: Requisitioned for war service (Ad.No.768). Fitted with 1-12pdr, W/T and mine-sweep. Based Falmouth.
7.7.1918: On patrol off Lizard, struck by shells from an unknown source causing considerable damage. Returned to Falmouth. (Possibly shelled by US Submarine Chasers in the vicinity).
19.8.1918: Repairs completed.
7.9.1918: Mortgage (A) discharged.
1.10.1918: At Falmouth General Patrol and Escort work (Lieut. RNR).
Post 12.3.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
9.5.1921: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to London Joint City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (B).
27.11.1923: Mortgagee restyled Midland Bank Ltd, London.
20.6.1928: Used to test the new Side Slipping Patent Slipway outside the dock with a large crowd of dignitaries and workers present. Under the guidance of Mr. R. Leach, foreman carpenter of Messrs J. Robertson & Sons, worked into position by the tugs FYLDE (256grt/1904) (Capt Saer) and LANDY (51grt/1919) (Mr. J. Whiteside) and placed on the cradle. Hauling out was slow to test the facility, but once in position, transferred first to one side and then the other and back to the slipway to be scraped and cleaned by the men of Messrs H. M. Johns & Co, prior to painting. The trial was judged to be a success.
9.10.1928: On arrival at Fleetwood and berthing in the Fish Dock collided with the fish staging, causing damage to staging.
10.10.1920: Landed 459 boxes.
5.3.1934: Mortgage (B) discharged.
6.3.1934: Sold to George Edward James Moody, Harry Kelly & Will Bancroft Moody (64/64 joint owners), Grimsby.
6.3.1934: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (C).
12.3.1934: George Edward James Moody designated managing owner
23.4.1934: Mortgage (C) discharged.
24.4.1934: Sold to The Cevic Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
3.5.1934: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (D).
14.5.1934: Charles Henry Friswell designated manager.
25.9.1934; Mortgage (D) discharged.
26.9.1934: Sold to The Alberic Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood. Charles H. Friswell designated manager.
27.9.1934: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (E).
10.10.1934: Registered at Grimsby as ALBERIC (GY588) (BoT Minute M/R.G.No.1305/1934 dated 10.8.1934).
10.10.1934: Charles Henry Friswell designated manager.
25.4.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.NA) (Hire rate £71.10.0d/month). Based North Shields with M/S Group 63.
2/3.5.1941: Sunk in an accidental collision with destroyer HMS St. ALBANS (P.No. I.15) in Pentland Firth (T/Lt R. M. Johnson RNVR); fourteen crew lost.
27.10.1942: Mortgage (E) discharged.
18.3.1947: Grimsby registry closed “Ship lost on Government service in May 1941”.
(MPK – Ty Sub Lieut. Charles S. Whitehead RNR; Edward G. Northing, 2nd Hand; Livingstone Izatt, Charles S. Merriman, Enginemen; Alexander Duncan, Ldg Seaman; Ralph Chesnutt, Michael Real, Charles R. Weston, Seamen; Cyril Jones, Seaman/Steward; John T. Taberham, Ord Seaman; Arthur Reay, Telegraphist; Albert W. H. Arthur, Ord Signalman; James C. Annand, Stoker; Thomas M. Murray, Stoker 2c.)
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S.T. Alberia GY588
Picture courtesy of The David slinger Collection.

S.T. Alberia GY588
Picture courtesy of The David slinger Collection.

S.T. Alberia GY588
Picture courtesy of The David slinger Collection.

S.T. Alberia GY588
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Alberia GY588
Picture courtesy of The Davis Slinger Collection
18/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
26/12/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
25/01/2019: Updated information and added an image.
15/02/2019: Added an image.
15/06/2019: Updated information.
10/12/2002: Added images.