Official Number: 118762
Yard Number: 54
Completed: 1903
Gross Tonnage: 168.32
Net Tonnage: 45.38
Length: 110.0 ft
Breadth: 21.1 ft
Depth: 11.1 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co, Hull
9.7.1903: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding & Repairing Co Ltd, Goole (Yd.No.54) for Kelsall Brothers & Beeching Ltd (64/64), Hull as AUK.
21.8.1903: Registered at Hull (H755).
8.1903: Completed (George Beeching, Hull & John E. A. Kelsall, London, managers).
1.1.1914: Tonnage altered to 63.62net under provision of Merchant Shipping Act 1907.
11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-3pdr) (Ad.No.422).
3.1917: Fitted out to “Q” ship under names BEN NEVIS, CLAYMORE, GIRDLER, GLEN AFRIC, HOPE, LORNE, St GOTHARD and SPIKA.
30.3.1918: Reverted to minesweeping role and renamed ANTIC.
11.1918: Returned to owner at Hull and reverted to AUK (H755).
7.6.1919: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to The London County Westminster & Parr’s Bank Ltd, London (A). John Slater designated manager.
6.3.1923: Mortgagee re-styled as Westminster Bank Ltd, London.
14.10.1927: Mortgage (A) transferred to William Augustus Hayward, Eastbourne.
14.10.1927: Mortgage (A) transferred to Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation Ltd, London.
22.10.1928: Robert Burton appointed manager.
16.9.1932: Charles Hugh Emerson appointed manager.
10.1932: Mercantile Marine Finance Corporation Ltd in liquidation.
1.11.1932: Mortgage (A) transferred to Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Chelsea and Ernest Norton, London (joint mortgagees).
23.1.1936: Mortgage (A) discharged.
11.2.1936: Sold to Brixham Trawlers Ltd, Brixham.
14.2.1936: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) for £750 with interest at 5% with Harold Frank Hayward, London; Maud Florence Katherine Rogers, Corfe Castle and Ernest Norton, London (joint mortgagees)(B). Ralph S. Dugdall appointed manager.
12.1937: Transferred to Fleetwood when Brixham Trawlers Ltd moved to the port.
9.12.1937: Sailed Brixham for Fleetwood in company with PINTAIL (H982).
14.12.1937: First landing at Fleetwood 8 boxes.
27.12.1937: Second landing at Fleetwood, 118 boxes grossed £250.
2.12.1938: Brixham Trawlers Ltd registered office transferred to Fleetwood. Ralph S. Dugdall designated manager.
4.4.1939: After attempting to get medical help for Sk. George Bradley suffering from double pneumonia at Llandudno and foiled by heavy seas, proceeded at full speed for Fleetwood so that he could be taken to hospital.
30.4.1943: Typical wartime landing. 110 kits – hake-32, cod/codling-17, haddock-6, whiting-3, flats-4, ling/coley-38, roker-7, gurnard-3.
19.12.1945: Sailed Fleetwood for West of Scotland grounds.
31.12.1945: At Tobermory, deck hand Bernard Brooks (17) died in the fish room when a block of ice, approx 2 tons, fell on him.
1.1.1946: Called Oban to land body before sailing for Fleetwood.
20.4.1953: Mortgage (C) discharged.
26.6.1958: Gordon Cranford Dugdall appointed manager.
1.8.1959: Company taken over by Boston Deep Sea Fisheries Ltd, Fleetwood.
8.1.1960: Sir Fred Parkes, Blackpool appointed manager (Arthur J. Lewis, manager).
31.3.1960: Sold for breaking up.
15.8.1960: Hull registry closed “Vessel broken up”.
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S.T. Auk H755
Picture from the Internet.
15/01/2009: Page published. 5 updates since then.
15/01/2016: Information updated.
09/02/2017: Removed disputed image.
21/07/2019: Updated information.