S.T. Pelican I FD7

Additional information courtesy of Christine Simm, Andy Hall and Gary Hicks


Official Number: 124578
Yard Number: 447
Completed: 1908
Gross Tonnage: 249.09
Net Tonnage: 93.40
Length: 125.6 ft
Breadth: 22.0 ft
Depth: 11.9 ft
Engine: 420ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Built: A. Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen


21.11.1908: Launched by Mrs Thomas Chant at Footdee yard of Alexander Hall & Co Ltd, Aberdeen (Yd. No.447) for James Chant (32/64), Plymouth & Thomas Paddon (32/64), South Brent as PELICAN I.
12.1908: Completed.
10.12.1908: Registered at Plymouth (PH98). James Chant designated managing owner.
14.12.1908: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Lloyds Bank Ltd, London (A).
22.5.1909: The iron ketch INVICTA (89grt/1885) (Richard Jewell, master), Porthoustock, for London with stone, put into Plymouth windbound.
25.5.1909: The wind having changed to westward, at about 10.00am towed out of the Cattewater to clear Mount Batten Breakwater and once into the Sound, set sail. On the starboard tack and having nearly reached the western end of Plymouth Breakwater, observed the trawler PELICAN I coming across the Sound. The skipper of the trawler misjudged the speed of the ketch and when overtaking struck the bowsprit, afterwards glancing on to the stem on the port bow. The ketch had several shell plates forward damaged along with the stem and the knight heads twisted to starboard. The trawler, which was practically unscathed, connected and took the ketch into Sutton Harbour. After survey, sailed for the fishing grounds.
1.2.1912: Arrived Great Western Docks, Millbay from the Cattewater for repairs by Messrs Willoughby Bros.
26.9.1912: Sold to Chant & Paddon Ltd (64/64), Plymouth. James Chant & Herbert William Chant designated managers.
10.10.1912: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Lloyds Bank Ltd, London (B).
12.10.1912: Mortgage (A) discharged.
4.1.1913: Deckhands from the ANADAVAT (PH8), CHANTICLEER (PH102), CONDOR (PH5) and PELICAN I owned by Messrs Chant &Paddon Ltd, are on strike over ‘stocker’ (the name given to certain fish, such as monk, squid, crayfish, etc. In former days these fish had little commercial value and the crew were allowed to take them and make what they could out of them). Latterly these fish have received fair prices – the ‘stocker’ ex ALBATROSS (PH17) realised £13 on 23rd
December 1912, which was divided amongst the crew. The owners now say that in consequence of the greater costs involved in running the boats the custom must be reviewed and they must have an interest in the ‘stocker’. Other trawlers owned by the firm will no doubt join the strike on their return from sea.
11.11.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr) (Ad.No. 527). Based Swansea.
11.8.1916: Mortgage (B) discharged.
26.10.1917: Sold to Noah Ashworth & Cecil Whittaker Barratt, Fleetwood (joint owners 64/64).
31.10.1917: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to The London City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (C).
8.11.1917: Joseph Allen Taylor designated manager.
13.2.1918: Mortgage (C) discharged.
14.2.1918: Sold to The Red Rose Steam Trawlers Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
13.3.1918: Vessel Mortgaged (64/64) to The London City & Midland Bank Ltd, London (D).
2.1919: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
21.2.1919: Plymouth registry closed.
22.2.1919: Registered at Fleetwood (FD7).
26.6.1920: At Fleetwood Magistrates Court, Herbert Sunderland, Blackpool, a fireman, was charged with being a disobedient seaman. Sunderland had been told to be onboard by the trawler by 4.45pm on the 23rd June, the usual sailing notices having been published. In consequence of the accused and another member of the crew not joining, the trawler was delayed two tides. The accused earned £3 6s per week and also had 3s per day and food. Fined 40s, this being his first offence and ordered to pay £1 1s advocate’s fee. The Chairman (Mr Mills) said the defendant knew the mischief and loss caused by not joining the ship at the proper time.
1921: Fishing from Aberdeen.
1924: William W. Brierley designated manager.
10.1.1926: On the St. Kilda grounds. In a southerly gale sheltering in North Bay, Hirta. At about 3.30am while the boats were ‘dredging’ (dredging an anchor, i.e. that is trailing it along the seabed, is a method used to assist a ship in manoeuvring), came in contact with the steam trawler ADMIRAL CRADOCK (FD11), both sustained some damage. Owing to several plates being strained and making water, trip abandoned and left for Fleetwood with pumps coping.
12.1.1926: Owners informed and arrived Fleetwood on night tide.
21.1.1926: On the slip under repair. Ernest McKnight, a ship’s carpenter left his bag of tools to go home for dinner. When he returned an hour later he found tools missing.
29.1.1926: At Fleetwood Magistrates court, William Holden (17) and a 15-year old Fleetwood lad were jointly charged with stealing a saw, brace, bits and two chisels, value £2 7s 6d and two lamp glasses from the steam trawler PELICAN I. After hearing evidence from the Railway Police and others, the Chairman, Major J. H. Kean, made an order for Holden to be returned to the Industrial School for three months while the other lad was bound over to be of good behaviour for six months.
13.5.1927: Sold to Cevic Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Fleetwood.
18.4.1928: Registered at Fleetwood as Cevic (FD7) (Memo/RG 1488/1927). Charles H. Friswell designated manager.
10.12.1928: Arrived Fleetwood on the morning tide (Sk. Richard Collinson). Reported having encountered heavy weather near the Butt of Lewis. With a gale blowing and heavy seas they made their last haul at midnight on Thursday 6th. The trawler had her mizzen sail set and suddenly the boom broke in two, damaging the stays and ripping the sail. The boom was recovered and lashed down for the rest of the trip.
14.8.1931: At Campbeltown Sheriff Court, Sk. John Thomas Newton admitted a charge of illegal trawling in the Firth of Clyde following arrest by HMS SPEY and was fined £50 with forfeiture of net and gear.
8.11.1931: Homeward from fishing grounds (Sk. John Thomas Newton). In early morning in SE gale and heavy seas, running through the Sound of Islay, stranded close to Black Rock reef. Salvage steamer RANGER (409grt/1880), recently arrived in the Sound to salvage the Fleetwood steam trawler CRISCILLA (FD23) stranded off Black Rock reef, attended along with insurance surveyor, Mr Chapman, Fleetwood Steam Trawlers Mutual Association. Refloated by RANGER on afternoon tide at 2.30pm and with propeller damaged, taken in tow by Glasgow tug FLYING KITE (260grt/1929) and berthed alongside Port Askaig Pier for survey and temporary repairs.
9.11.1931: In very heavy weather FLYING KITE and tow put into Stranraer for shelter.
10.11.1931: Sailed in the evening for Fleetwood.
11.11.1931: Delivered Fleetwood by FLYING KITE. Subsequently returned to service.
5.6.1934: Arrived Fleetwood.
6.6.1934: Landed 135 boxes. Later sailed for West of Scotland grounds (Sk. Thomas Newton). In the evening in thick fog, 2 miles NW of the Point of Ayre, Isle of Man, in collision with homeward bound steam trawler EXMOUTH (FD336) (Sk. Albert Storie). Struck on starboard side, several plates below the waterline sprung and water pouring into the fish room and bunker. The EXMOUTH had a damaged stem and shell plating forward. After the collision the EXMOUTH was lost in the fog but the steam trawler EDWINA (FD205) hove in view and asked if assistance was required. This was declined and with pumps running made for Ramsey, some eight miles away. At 11.30 pm. anchored in Ramsey Bay.
7.6.1934: In the early morning moved to Douglas, later Mr H. Chapman, the Fleetwood Mutual Insurance Association surveyor, arrived at Douglas in the steam trawler ARLEY (FD44) and under his direction temporary repairs were carried out which enabled the trawler to return to Fleetwood.
20.12.1933: In Morecambe Bay, homeward from the West of Scotland grounds (Sk. Thomas Newton). In the early morning with thick fog near the Wyre Light, in collision with the outward bound ICI steamer CALCIUM (613grt/1917) (Green, master), Burn Naze for Llanddulas, light. Struck in way of the engine room on the port side and making water. The skipper hailed the steamer and ascertained that she was damaged but safe, however, with no way on her the CALCIUM was carried on to a sand bank and came fast. The CEVIC was making water fast and although the donkey engine and the pumps were working the overboard discharge had been damaged and a jury rig was necessary. At slow speed the trawler continued on passage into the Wyre Channel, taking two hours to cover the three miles to the dock entrance. On arrival the authorities refused to allow her to enter fearing that she might sink in the dock. Skipper Newton therefore turned her round and ran her ashore in a position that would leave her dry at low water. Repair staff made her safe and she refloated on the next tide. Later placed on the slip for permanent repair.
30.3.1934: At Fleetwood Police Court, Sk. Thomas Newton was fined 40s for sounding the trawler’s whistle 75 times as she was going to sea. The court heard that many trawler skippers had been fined for unnecessarily blowing sirens, but none had approached Newton’s record. Newton started that sounding the whistle was for the benefit of the crew’s relatives who were on the Promenade waving the ship off to sea.
6.3.1934: Sailed Fleetwood for a trip in the Irish Sea (Sk. Thomas Newton). Between four and five o’clock in the evening, Frank Warwick, 26 Cross street, took up some tea to the skipper.He appeared to be his usual cheerful self. Later when the skipper was preparing to shoot the nets, Warwick could not be found. Sk. Newton immediately hauled the net to search the surrounding area, but there was no sign of Warwick in the water. Returned to Fleetwood and reported the loss.
8.5.1934: The body of Frank Warwick was washed up at Walney Island, Barrow. At inquest at Barrow, the body was identified by his son, Douglas Warwick, 26 Cross Street, Fleetwood. The Inquest was adjourned to prove that the deceased sailed on that particular day March 6th and to see if anyone saw him fall overboard.
4.4.1934: Sailed in the afternoon on a Home Waters trip.
5.4.1934: In the morning returned to Fleetwood with boiler trouble and landed six boxes of fish the result of one haul in Morecambe Bay.
3.7.1934: The inquest into the death of Frank Warwick was resumed. At Barrow. After hearing all the evidence it was established that Warwick was onboard the trawler CEVIC but no one actually saw him fall overboard.
4.7.1934: In dense fog on West of Scotland grounds, in collision with Fleetwood steam trawler LORD GAINFORD (FD74), which incurred damage to the starboard side shell plating and when rolling in a seaway, making water. Pumps kept running on way back to Fleetwood. CEVIC sustained minor damage and continued fishing.
11.10.1934: Sailed Fleetwood for West of Scotland grounds (Sk. William Hargreaves). In the late evening, when off the Mull of Galloway in collision with Monroe Bros Liverpool registered steamer KYLE BUTE (795grt/1900) on passage Clyde for Liverpool. Extensively damaged about the stem and leaking. With pumps running set best speed for Fleetwood.
12.10.1934: Arrived Fleetwood and placed on slip for survey and repair. 3.3.1936: At Fleetwood landed 112 boxes.
16.3.1936: At Fleetwood landed 328 boxes.
28.9.1937: At Fleetwood Police Court, Robert Henry Gawne (23), deckhand, of Warren Street was fined 20s for being a disobedient seaman. The trawler was delayed for twelve hours at a cost of £15 while a substitute was found. Gawne pleaded guilty.
4.2.1938: Reported that in severe weather off the Western Isles, the trawler suffered damage and put into Oban for repairs.
30.9.1938: At Fleetwood Police Court, George Porter (43) of Cunliffe Street, Blackpool, married with five children, was charged with stealing provisions worth 3s 3d from the trawler early that day. Porter pleaded guilty and told the court that it was the first time he had been in trouble and it would be the last. The case was dismissed under the First Offender’s Act and Porter was ordered to pay £1 2s 6d costs.
26.12.1938: Towards the end of a trip off the West Coast of Ireland (Sk. Harold Ashton) with 180 boxes onboard, the mate, W. Howlett, was ill and decided to put into Moville, Co. Donegal to seek medical assistance.
27.12.1938: At Moville, Howlett saw a doctor who advised him to stay ashore but Howlett wanted to return home; he was treated for an abscess. Having left Moville in the late evening with a moderate WNW wind, squally rain and a choppy sea, stranded on shelving rocks at the foot of cliffs near Greencastle, Co. Donegal. At 12.55am the Portrush, Co. Antrim, lifeboat, T.B.B.H., was launched and on arrival it was decided to wait until daylight before attempting to refloat. With the lifeboat connected and engine running full ahead then full astern came afloat and proceeded into Moville escorted by the lifeboat. Found that there was no damage and sailed for home. Cevic Steam Fishing Co Ltd donated £20 to the Portrush RNLI Station.
14.1.1939: On the slip at Fleetwood. Jim Askew (37), a plater, of Westby Street, Lytham was taken to Fleetwood Hospital following an accident. He had injuries to his face and was detained.
25.3.1939: At Fleetwood Police Court, John Mayor (32), mate of the CEVIC was fined 40s and £1 1s advocates fee for being a disobedient seaman. It was stated that Mayor should have been onboard at 10.00am but did not turn up. Both the ship’s husband and the superintendent went for him but he refused to go. The CEVIC was detained in dock at a cost of £15 while a substitute was found. Mr R. Blackburn, prosecuting said “It is bad enough under the present circumstances with deckhands and firemen doing acts of wilful disobedience, but it is a shocking state of affairs when you get a mate like this who comes along and flaunts the law.” The Chairman of the Bench, Major J. H. Kean asked Mayor if he knew that he was killing the goose that laid the golden egg. “Very soon you are going to want the money you have to pay in fines, and you may want the work you get from these trawlers and the trawlers will not be working.”
13.9.1940: Crew of CEVIC contributed £7 5s to the Fleetwood ‘Spitfire’ Fund.
9.3.1943: Requisitioned for war service and fitted out as a fuelling trawler (33ton tank for refuelling diesel landing craft) (P.No.Y.7.16) (Hire rate £62.0.0d/month).
3.1944: Fitted out as a water carrier. Assigned to Operation Neptune – Normandy landings. 23.5.1944: Assigned as a water carrier to Force O.
3.7.1944: Operation Neptune ended.
8.1944: Returned to owner.
25.5.1945: At Fleetwood Magistrates Court, Richard Onions (30), Bristol Avenue, Bispham was fined £5 for being a disobedient seaman; he had two previous convictions. He pleaded that transport difficulties prevented him rejoining the trawler.
12.6.1946: From an Icelandic trip (Sk. John Peglar), landed 1,280 boxes. Prices controlled.
6.7.1946: Sailed Fleetwood for Icelandic grounds with Richard Neave (27) making his first trip as skipper, the usual skipper, John Pegler having a trip off.
16.7.1946: In the early morning the wireless operator, G. Tonge, Dryden Road, was talking with the skipper in his cabin. Later Tonge returned to speak to the skipper but he was not in his cabin, or on the bridge. A search was made of the ship but there was no sign of the skipper. It was blowing fairly hard at the time and the ship was rolling but it was not a gale. Assuming that he had fallen overboard, a thorough search of the sea in the area was carried out but without result. The mate, John Nicklin, Seabank Road, took command and set a course for home.
19.7.1946: Returned to Fleetwood. Members of the crew attended an inquiry held by the Fleetwood Trawlers Mutual Insurance Company. Landed 430 boxes.
8.10.1946: Before Fleetwood magistrates, Albert Arthur Moss (36), ship’s cook, Holt Road, Liverpool was accused of being a disobedient seamen and holding up the trawler for two hours. Moss had been ordered to sail on September 21 but failed to turn up. Later he sent a telegram from Liverpool stating that he was unable to get through owing to floods at Ormskirk, but the police said there was no flooding. It transpired that he did not have enough money to pay for his rail fare due to a mistake by his previous employer who had failed to pay allowances to his wife. She had sought help from Liverpool Public Assistance Committee who in consequence had sent him a bill which he could not pay. As it was his first appearance he was discharged on payment of costs of £1 5s with one month to pay.
9.11.1946: From a Home Water trip landed 515 boxes.
3.5.1949: Steam trawler DINAS (FD268), arrived off the Wyre Light with the CEVIC in tow, picked up disabled with a stripped propeller off Northern Ireland. After the 150 mile tow while manoeuvring both vessels ran aground on a sandbank three miles off Fleetwood, but were in no danger. It was discovered that DINAS had a trawl warp entangled in her propeller and a tug took the CEVIC into Fleetwood. The warp was freed and the DINAS entered Fleetwood under her own power.
21.7.1949: Shortly after leaving Fleetwood on a home water trip, returned to land E. W. Newman, London Street, Fleetwood, Ch Eng, with rib injuries. Sailed again with substitute engineer onboard.
20.12.1952: At night in Morecambe Bay, along with steam trawler THRUSH (H703), responded to distress flare from the Liverpool registered steamer BANKVILLE (339grt/1904) (Tom Hughes, master) on passage Workington for Birkenhead, having shipped a heavy sea crossing the bay her cargo of rails had shifted giving her a list to port. Escorted the coaster to the Wyre Light. Barrow lifeboat also responded and on arrival at the Wyre Light proceeded up the channel to pick up the Fleetwood pilot, Albert Wright, and took him out to the BANKVILLE. An hour later the BANKVILLE berthed safely at Fleetwood for her cargo to be restowed.
6.5.1953: Last landing at Fleetwood.
14.5.1953: Sailed Fleetwood for Aberdeen.
28.5.1953: Sold to Sk. William Summers & John William Johnstone, (Messrs Peter & J. Johnstone Ltd), Aberdeen to replace steam trawler BRACONLEA (A227), lost at the Baas of Hascovy, Mid Yell Voe, Shetland on 5.10.1952.
28.5.1953: Fleetwood registry closed.
1.6.1953: Registered at Aberdeen (A722). John William Johnstone designated managing owner.
15.6.1953: In the Civil Court at Manchester, Ernest Wood (60), of Devon Avenue, Fleetwood, former mate of the trawler, sued the Cevic Trawling Co Ltd (sic), Fleetwood for injuries sustained in their employ. It was stated that on 17th October 1948, while fishing between the Faroe Islands and the Butt of Lewis, Wood was on watch when the trawl fouled. On informing the skipper he was told to call all hands and recover the trawl. In the net was a large decomposed body and there was a dispute as to what the carcase really was, a whale (20-25 tons) or a basking shark (10-12 tons). The skipper ordered beckets to be placed around the tail to hoist the creature out of the net. Wood thought this a most dangerous method of freeing the trawl, instead of cutting away the net. When the carcase was lifted the tail came away from the body and struck the mate on the head. Since the accident he had been unable to work. During the luncheon adjournment both parties came to an agreement and the judge was asked to approve agreed damages of £500 and costs. Mr Justice Lynsky approved the award.
16.12.1953: At Aberdeen Police Court, Manus M’Fadden, trawl fisherman, faced two charges, one of theft and one of being drunk and incapable. M’Fadden had stolen and drunk the ethyl alcohol mixture from the trawler’s compass and was found incapable on the quayside and in danger of falling into the Albert Basin. Fines of 20/- and 30/- were imposed with no time to pay, the alternative being fifteen days imprisonment on both counts.
21.7.1954: Returned to Aberdeen having developed boiler trouble off Stornoway.
4.1957: Sold to Germany for breaking up.
3.4.1957: Aberdeen registry closed “… on sale to foreigners (German subjects).”

Click to enlarge images

S.T. Pelican I PH98

S.T. Pelican I PH98
Picture courtesy of The Gary Hicks Collection

S.T. Cevic FD7

Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

S.T. Cevic FD7

S.T. Cevic FD7
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

18/05/2012: Page published. 5 updates since then.
12/07/2015: Picture added.
03/11/2017: Removed FMHT watermark from image.
06/10/2020: Pictures added.
21/10/2023: Large update to history.