S.T. Rose Ann DO241

Additional information courtesy of Mike Craine


Official Number: 80453
Yard Number: 31
Completed: 1879
Gross Tonnage: 123
Net Tonnage: 52
Length: 100.5 ft
Breadth: 19.0 ft
Depth: 8.8 ft
Built: H. M. McIntyre, Paisley
Engine: 2-cyl by Hutson & Corbett, Kelvinhaugh, Glasgow


13.3.1879: Launched by H. M. McIntyre, Paisley (Yd.No.34) for James O’Brien (64/64), Renfrew as ROSE ANN.
23.4.1897: Completed as a steam lighter (fish carrier).
30.4.1879: Registered at Glasgow.
3.3.1890: James O’Brien died.
11.6.1890: Left to Isabella O’Brien (McCallum)(64/64), Renfrew.
6.11.1891: Sold to George Rookin Nicholson (59/64), Wallasey and John William Thompson (5/64), Liverpool. Glasgow registry closed. Registered at Liverpool (105/1891). George R. Nicholson designated managing owner.
15.12.1891: George R. Nicholson sold (5/64) shares to Henry Ingram Thompson (5/64), Liverpool.
8.1892: Liverpool Registry closed.
2.8.1892: Registered at Douglas, IoM.
2.8.1892: George Rookie Nicholson designated manager.
6.6.1895: George R. Nicholson sold (54/64) shares to Robert Knox (54/64), Douglas, IoM.
6.6.1895: John W. Thompson sold (5/64) to Robert Knox (59/64), Douglas. Converted for trawling and registered at Douglas (DO241).
23.6.1895: Hired by Liverpool Marine Biology Committee for research into the fauna of Liverpool Bay and Neighbouring Seas and dredged to the W and NW of Peel and Ballaugh, on the ‘North Bank’ at depths of about 20 fathoms.
27.10.1895: Hired by Liverpool Marine Biology Committee for further research and dredged and trawled off Port Erin and along SE side of Island from Calf Sound to Langness at depths of 15 – 20 fathoms.
6.6.1896: Henry I. Thompson sold (5/64) shares to Robert Knox (64/64) Douglas. 30.11.1896: Robert Knox designated managing owner. 15.4.1897: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Henry Gordon, Onchan, IoM for the sum of £250 with interest at 4% (A).
20.5.1898: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Dumbells Banking Co Ltd, Douglas, IoM for the sum of £1,700 with interest at 6% (B).
7.6.1899: Henry Gordon died.
4.11.1899: In a southerly gale in the Solway Firth, picked up the Norwegian barque CORDILLERA (694grt/1874) which had broken away from the tugs KNIGHT of St. GEORGE (129grt/1885) and PRAIRIE COCK (125grt/1885) off the Point of Ayr and was carried before the gale into the Firth. The PRARIE COCK, which had been seeking her arrived, the tow transferred and about 2.00pm. the KNIGHT of St. GEORGE came up with them. The two tugs with the ROSE ANN standing by proceeded to Ramsey Bay.
6.11.1899: Delivered safely to Ramsey. Through the Court in the Isle of Man awarded £300.
14.3.1900: Probate granted to Edward Gordon, Bembridge, IoW and Rachel Gordon, Onchan (64/64 joint owners) in respect of mortgage (A)).
18.5.1901: Mortgage (B) discharged.
30.4.1901: Robert Knox mortgaged vessel (64/64) to Horace Lightfoot, Douglas, IoM for the sum of £500 with interest at 5% (C). 4.2.1902: Mortgage (A) discharged.
27.2.1906: Whilst lying alongside the Tongue in Douglas Harbour, three Peel fishermen were overcome by fumes in the forecastle and died *.
20.8.1906: Rachel Gordon died – Edward Gordon, Bembridge IoW (64/64).
28.7.1914: Mortgage (C) discharged.
1.5.1915: Robert Knox mortgaged vessel (64/64) to The Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank Ltd, Manchester (D).
17.5.1915: Remeasured 131g 40n.
13.7.1915: For auction along with steam trawler LADY LOCH (DO20). Failed to reach reserve of £950-£1,000.
10.8.1915: Mortgage (D) discharged.
24.8.1915: Remeasured 125g 45n.
30.8.1915: Sold by John Knox (64/64) to Richard Phillips (64/64), Douglas for the sum of £825.
30.8.1915: Richard Phillips designated managing owner.
29.11.1915: Legal action by Richard Phillips in respect of 64 shares. By order of the High Court of Justice of the Isle of Man, transfer or dealings prohibited until further notice.
26.1.1916: In the High Court, action brought by Robert Knox against Richard Phillips in respect of £250 outstanding.
9.2.1915: The Court found in favour of Robert Knox and remaining shares could be offered for sale.
17.3.1916: Injunction removed.
5.4.1916: Sold to Henry Mulleneux Grayson (64/64), Liverpool.
7.4.1916: John Arthur Swainston, London designated manager.
23.6.1916: Sold to The “General Trading Co Ltd” (64/64), Douglas.
10.7.1916: Alfred Ellis Ash, New Brighton designated manager.
5.1.1918: Sold to John George Hammond (64/64), London.
7.1.1918: Sold to The Premier Tug Co Ltd (64/64), Hull.
8.1.1918: John G. Hammond, London designated manager.
9.1.1918: William Henry Miller designated manager.
20.12.1923: Sold to Stanlee Shipbreaking & Salvage Co Ltd, Dover for breaking up by The Dover Shipbreaking Co Ltd, Dover.
21.3.1924: Douglas registry closed.

Note * – William Clucas, John Watterson and John Hughes.

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S.T. Rose Ann DO241

S.T. Rose Ann DO241

05/12/2014: Page published.
12/12/2015: Picture added.
22/07/2021: Updated history and technical information.