Tag Archives: Adam SFC

S.T. Adam FD65


Admiralty Number: 4247
Official Number: 139360
Yard Number: 890
Completed: 1919
Gross Tonnage: 324
Net Tonnage: 148
Length: 138.3 ft
Breadth: 23.7 ft
Depth: 12.7 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull


14.6.1919: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.890) (“Mersey” Class) for The Admiralty as THOMAS MALONEY (Ad.No.4247).
23.9.1919: Completed.
10.1919: Sold to Thomas Hamling & Co Ltd, Hull.
10.1919: Electrical installation by Humber Electrical Co Ltd. Hull (£405 plus cost of drilling).
11.1919: Completed as a fishing trawler (Harold Hall, manager). Total cost with electric lights – £18,500 (payment made 23.10.1919).
15.11.1919: Registered at Hull as St NEOTS (H112).
18.11.1927: Sold to Henry Croft Baker, Grimsby.
26.5.1928: Sold to H. Croft Baker & Sons Ltd, Grimsby (H. Croft Baker, manager).
26.4.1930: Sold to The Strand Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby (Sydney Croft Baker, manager).
1.5.1930: In dense fog 20 miles SE of Girdleness in collision with Aberdeen trawler BEN LAWERS (A311) which foundered in three minutes. All nine crew taken aboard and landed at Aberdeen.
2.12.1931: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to National Provincial Bank Ltd, London (A).
9.11.1932: Skipper fined 3,000 kroner (£166) with confiscation dues of 5,000 kroner and forfeiture of gear and catch for fishing in Norwegian territorial waters.
19.4.1934: Mortgage (A) discharged.
6.4.1934: Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Basil A. Parkes, manager).
27.4.1934: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (B).
7.2.1936: Mortgage (B) discharged.
14.1.1937: Whilst fishing at Rockall, Arthur Londesborough (20) was lost overboard and drowned.
6.1937: Sold to Towarzystwo Dalekomorskich Polowow “Pomorze” Sp.z.o.o., Gdynia.
29.7.1937: Hull registry closed “Sold Polish for trading”.
1937: Registered at Gdynia as ADAM (GDY94).
9.1939: Sold to Adam Steam Fishing Co Ltd, London (Basil A. Parkes, Cleveleys, manager). Gdynia registry closed.
3.11.1939: Registered at Fleetwood (FD65).
16.11.1939: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, Fleetwood for the sum of £512 with interest (C).
19.11.1939: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to John Odde, East Molesey for the sum of £6,000 with interest (D).
12.1939: On a trip to the Faroe Island grounds, bombed and machine gunned by German seaplanes. No damage; crew of twelve from Hull.
12.2.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.1618) (Hire rate £101.5.0d/month). Based Dover with M/S Group 61.
16.4.1943: Mortgage (C) discharged.
31.5.1943: Mortgage (D) discharged.
31.5.1943: Sold to Mrs Wincenty Bartosiak, Gdynia, Poland.
1.6.1943: Fleetwood registry closed. Renamed PODLAISE.
4.- 6.1944: Minesweeping in Dover Straits (A/Lt.Cdr. Charles Delphin-Abbott, awarded DSC for skill and daring in successful minesweeping operations).
14.7.1944: Returned to owner after restoration at Fleetwood. Registered at Gdynia (GDY154).
4.8.1944: First landing at Fleetwood (Boston Deep Sea Fishing & Ice Co Ltd, managers).
3.1946: Repairs at Ghent. Then fishing from IJmuiden with Dutch crews until end of year.
12.1946: Returned to Poland.
5.1948: Sold to “Lawica” Rybolowstwo Dalekomorskiie i Zegluga Sp.z.o.o., Gdynia (“Lawica” Deep-Sea Fishing & Shipping Ltd)(Kazimierza Orthweina, Wincenty Bartosiak & others). Re-registered at Gdynia (GDY124).
16.12.1949: By Order of the Ministry of Navigation the holding company and assets to be placed under control of the Polish People’s Republic. Zbigniew Kollesinskiego appointed manager.
1950: Company and assets transferred to “Dalmor” Przedsiobiorstwo Polowow Dalekomorskich Sp.z.ogr.odp, Gdynia (Polish Government).
1951: Sold to “Lawica” Rybolowstwo Dalekom S.A., Gdynia.
7.1951: Re classed and registered at Gdynia (GDY213).
4.1962: Sold for breaking up at Gdansk.

(Thomas Maloney, Landsman (volunteer), age 25, b. Connaught, Ireland – VICTORY (SB139))

Click to enlarge image

S.T. Podlasie GDY154

S.T. Podlasie GDY154
Picture from the Internet

14/05/2012: Page published. 4 updates since then.
11/08/2017: Picture added.
09/06/2019: Information updated.

S.T. Sargon GY858

Additional information courtesy of Birgir Þórisson


Official Number: 134776
Yard Number: 146
Completed: 1913
Gross Tonnage: 296.35
Net Tonnage: 120.64
Length: 130.2 ft
Breadth: 23.0 ft
Depth: 12.2 ft
Built: Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley
Engine: 520ihp T.3-cyl and boiler by Amos & Smith Ltd, Hull


8.4.1913: Launched by Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd, Beverley (Yd.No.146) for The Standard Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Grimsby as SARGON.
4.6.1913: Registered at Grimsby (GY858).
4.6.1913 : Walter William Butt designated manager.
6.1913: Completed.
2.1914: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-6pdr HA) (Ad.No.702).
1919: Returned to owner.
21.03.1921. At Reykjavik, along with steam trawlers CARABINEER II (GY1048), KASTORIA (GY1017) and SERIEMA (GY504) fined 10,000 krónur (£400) for illegal fishing with gear and catch confiscated. PAVLOVA (GY716) was fined 11,500 krónur because of the skipper’s long criminal record.
5.1.1923: Sailed Grimsby for White Sea grounds (Sk. J. McCarthy); twelve crew.
6.1.1923: In North Sea sighted Granton steam trawler ETHEL NUTTEN (GN59) in distress making water. With difficulty in poor weather conditions connected and commenced tow to Granton.
7.1.1923: After towing for 90 miles and when off May Island tow started to settle and foundered. Crew recovered.
8.1.1923: Crew landed at Leith and with them deckhand H. Beavers who was injured when casting off tow; he was replaced by John Bell, Granton.
3.2.1923: Homeward having left Lofoten Islands.
4.2.1923: Encountered storm force weather.
6.2.1923: Storm intensified blown off course and lost position.
8.2.1923: Bunkers and provisions low. Hoisted distress.
20.2.1923: Posted missing.
27.2.1923: After drifting for sixteen days in North Atlantic sighted by German trawler SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN (PG324).
28.2.1923: Launched boat and went over to the German twice for provisions but on final return boat dashed against side while connecting for lift out and smashed. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN connected and commenced tow to Iceland.
1.3.1923: Delivered Reykjavik.
2.3.1923: Owners and families informed. Bunkered (70 tons), provisioned and boat supplied.
5.3.1923: Sailed for Grimsby via Aberdeen to top up bunkers.
9.3.1923: Called Aberdeen.
11.3.1923: Arrived Grimsby.
26.8.1926: Vessel mortgaged (64/64) to Midland Bank Ltd, London (A).
8.4.1938: Bill Butt designated manager.
28.6.1938: Albert Wright Butt designated manager.
8.1939: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-3pdr, 2-MGs)(P.No.FY.572) (Hire rate £76.14.6d/month).
1.12.1941: Mortgage (A) discharged.
14.1.1942: Sold to Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Hull.
22.1.1942: Basil Arthur Parkes, Cleveleys designated manager.
3.7.1945: Returned to owner at Fleetwood.
25.7.1945: At Hull landed from Iceland – 19 days 1290 kits £3,936 gross.
30.11.1945: Insured value £17,000; for 1946 proposed same.
6.12.1945: Sold to Adam Steam Fishing Co Ltd (64/64), Fleetwood.
6.12.1945: Vessel mortgaged to Saint Andrew’s Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull for the sum of £16,000 with interest at 4% (B).
14.12.1945: Paul Stockhammer, London designated manager.
6.10.1947: Mortgage (B) discharged.
24.11.1948: Sailed Hull for Icelandic grounds (Sk. Alfred Jenner); seventeen crew all told.
30.11.1948: Left Reykjavik having had echometer repaired.
1.12.1948: Fishing off Staalbjerg Huk to the southward of Rödsands Bay. At about 10.00 am. in deteriorating weather conditions decided to seek shelter in Patreksfjörður. At 5.30 pm. in gale force winds and rough seas off Sraumness. By 6.00pm conditions had deteriorated further with ENE gale force 10 and visibility reduced to zero owing to snow storm. At 7.00 pm. dropped anchor paid out 41/2 shackles, but failed to hold. Dodging at the entrance and inside the fjord. At 10.00 pm. stranded inside Patreksfjörður, at the foot of the cliffs right opposite the village of Patreksfjörður and close to the sandy beach of Orlygshofn.
2.12.1948: Locals responded to rockets and by breeches buoy managed to rescue six men, four of these men had been sheltering in the forecastle over night and had been joined by the Second hand and another man from the bridge at about 5.30am. Eleven men sheltering on the bridge, all bar one, died from cold and exposure, the eleventh was in such a condition that it was not possible to detach his hands from the post he was clinging to and he must have been at the point of death*. Grimsby registry closed “Total loss”.
10.5.1949: At the Formal Investigation (S.411) held at Grimsby the Court found that the loss was due to very bad weather conditions in which visibility became nil. Tribute was paid by the survivors to the skipper for his attitude and bearing both before and after the stranding. The Court expressed its admiration for the untiring work done by the shore rescue party who had to come a long a long way over difficult country at night, in bitter weather, carrying the rescue apparatus. The Court was informed that this was not the only case in which such rescue work had been carried out by Icelandic people.
12.8.1949: Grimsby registry closed “Ship reported stranded and a total loss 1.12.1948”.

Lost * – Sk. Arthur Jenner (38); George Foreman (49), Bosun; Everett Silvester (35), Ch Eng; Harold Cowen (60), 2nd Eng; Francis Portz (21), John Collinson (36), Edward Richardson (17), Sparehands; Frank Moore (24), Alex Thomson (45), Trimmers; David Telfer (32), Deckie learner, Henry Huntsman (13), Apprentice.

Video of rescue operation
This is a long film and the soundtrack is in German, but it’s worth watching to see the conditions that the rescuers had to work in. The video can be found Here

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S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Picture courtesy of The Mark Wahwerit Collection

S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Artwork © Steve Farrow

S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Picture by Steve Pulfrey courtesy of The Mark Stopper Collection

S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Artwork © Steve Farrow

S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Picture from the Internet

S.T. Sargon GY858

S.T. Sargon GY858
Picture courtesy of Birgir Þórisson

29/03/2010: Page published. 5 revisions since then.
02/07/2014: Picture 1 added.
12/11/2017: Removed FMHT watermarks.
14/03/2021: Updated history and technical details.
23/07/2021: Added link to the rescue of the crew.
24/07/2021: Updated history and added images.
25/07/2021: Further history update.

S.T. Kilmany BF448


Official Number: 137666
Yard Number: ??
Completed: 1925
Gross Tonnage: 96g
Net Tonnage: 40n
Length: 87.8 ft
Breadth: 19.3 ft
Depth: 9.3 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl and boiler by Elliott & Garrood Ltd, Beccles (machinery ex SCOTSMAN (125414)(INS430) removed 1925 when vessel sold for demolition).


Wooden Drifter

1925: Launched by William Wood, Lossiemouth (Yd.No.) for J. Flett, George Garden, James Stewart, William Cormack, Charles A. Hay & Alexander Adam, Lossiemouth as GIRL ISOBEL at a cost of £1700.
1925: Completed (Charles A. Hay, managing owner). Registered at Inverness (INS84).
9.1936: Sold to James Jack & W. Jack, Pennan. Inverness registry closed. Registered at Fraserburgh as JEANNIE JACK (FR244).
1938: Sold to Alexander Watt, Gardenstown & Others. Fraserburgh registry closed.
20.5.1938: Registered at Banff as KILMANY (BF448).
15.5.1940: Requisitioned for war service and employed on miscellaneous Naval duties (Hire rate £34.16.0d/month).
1944: Sold to Supreme Fishcuring Co Ltd, Fleetwood (Basil A. Parkes, Cleveleys, manager).
21.12.1945: Returned to owner.
1947: Sold to The Adam Steam Fishing Co Ltd, London.
1948: Sold to A. W. Easto, Lowestoft. Banff registry closed. Registered at Lowestoft (LT90).
1952: Sold for breaking up at Oulton Broad.


12/01/2009: Page published. 2 updates since then.

S.T. Shikari CF74


Official Number: 137007
Yard Number: 588
Completed: 1914
Gross Tonnage: 221
Net Tonnage: 86
Length: 117.5 ft
Breadth: 22 ft
Depth: 11.9 ft
Engine: T.3-cyl by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, Middlesbrough
Built: Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough


25.8.1914: Launched by Smith’s Dock Co Ltd, South Bank-on-Tees, Middlesbrough (Yd. No.588) for Staples’ Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby as SHIKARI.
6.10.1914: Registered at Grimsby (GY179).
10.1914: Completed. Ernest Sleight appointed manager.
4.1915: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (1-12pdr) (Ad.No.1617). 21.8.1917: In company with HMTrawlers JACINTH (Ad.No.1226)(H33) and THOMAS YOUNG (Ad.No.1143)(SN67) sweeping in mouth of River Tay, detected submarine. Depth charged and believed destroyed submarine (UC.41). (13.4.1921: Awarded £145 Bounty by Prize Court).
1917: Base support ship.
2.1918: Renamed SHIKARI II.
1919: Returned to owner and reverted to SHIKARI (GY179).
9.1938: Sold to Earl Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby (Sir Alec Black, Bart, manager).
12.1940: Sold to Sir Alec Black, Bart, Grimsby.
8.1941: Sold to Neale & West Ltd, Cardiff.
5.8.1941: Grimsby registry closed.
8.1941: Registered at Cardiff (CF74).
1948: Sold to Adam Steam Fishing Co Ltd, London (Basil A. Parkes, manager).
2.1952: Sold to BISCO and allocated to Thos. W. Ward Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up.
30.5.1952: Arrived Grays, Essex.
1952: Cardiff registry closed.

04/01/2009: Page published. 4 updates since then.

S.T. Force FD100


Admiralty Number: 3565
Official Number: 143888
Yard Number: 825
Completed: 1917
Gross Tonnage: 327
Net Tonnage: 150
Length: 138.5 ft
Breadth: 23.7 ft
Depth: 12.8 ft
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby
Engine: 600ihp T.3-cyl by Charles D. Holmes & Co Ltd, Hull


18.9.1917: Launched by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby (Yd.No.825) (“Mersey“ class) for The Admiralty as JAMES BUCHANAN (Ad.No.3565).
13.12.1917: Completed as a minesweeper (1-12pdr HA and W/T).
15.12.1917: Accepted.
27.11.1919: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part I) as JAMES BUCHANAN O.N.143888.
23.8.1920: Registered by The Admiralty at London (Part IV)(LO396).
2.1922: Sold to City Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull (John A. Laverock, manager).
24.8.1922: London registry closed.
14.9.1922: Registered at Hull as STONEFERRY (H676).
19.12.1930: Reported stranded near Saltfleet.
20.12.1930: Refloated.
1934: Sold to Hudson Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hull (Archibald Hudson, Hessle, manager).
11.6.1934: Registered at Hull as CAPE TARIFA (H676).
7.1938: Sold to Towarzystwo Dalekomorskich Polowoe “Pomorze” Sp.z.o.o., Gdynia.
28.7.1938: Hull registry closed.
1938: Registered at Gdynia as FRANCISZKA (GDY119).
1939: Sold to Adam Steam Fishing Co Ltd, London (Basil A Parkes, Cleveleys, manager).
11.1939: Gdynia registry closed.
7.11.1939: Registered at Fleetwood as FORCE (FD100).
12.2.1940: Requisitioned for war service as a minesweeper (P.No.FY.NI) (Hire rate £94.10.0d/month).
28.6.1941: At anchor six miles off Winterton Ness, Norfolk (Act/Ty Sk C E Smalley RNR), attacked by German aircraft, damaged and set on fire and in twenty minutes foundered in approximate position 52.48.55N 01.47.48E. Eleven crew lost*. Fleetwood registry closed.

(James Buchanan, Private, Marine, age 23, b. Carlisle, Cumberland – VICTORY (ML107))

BACKHOUSE, William A H, Ordinary Telegraphist, D/JX 165427, MPK
GIBBS, Thomas H, Stoker, RNPS, LT/KX 116205, MPK
HOWELL, George H, Stoker, RNPS, LT/KX 117060, MPK
KENDALL, Walter S, Engineman, RNPS, LT/KX 106131, MPK
MAYNARD, John, Stoker, RNPS, LT/KX 106811, MPK
MCEUNE, John F, Engineman, RNPS, LT/KX 107954, MPK
MORRISON, Alexander, Seaman, RNPS, LT/JX 217792, MPK
SAYERS, Oliver T B, 2nd Hand, RNR (PS), LT/X 302 SA, MPK
TEAGUE, Norman, Seaman, RNPS, LT/JX 180337, MPK
WILLIAMS, John, Ordinary Seaman Cook, RNPS, LT/JX 214264, MPK
WILSON, Arthur N, Stoker, RNPS, LT/KX 105619, MPK

20/12/2008: Page published, 3 updates since then.
19/09/2020: Updated history.